How are you doing in your Bible reading so far? I've made it to Genesis 24. I'm really enjoying myself. It's almost like I can't get enough. If I had more time I'd be further along for sure. One of the things that stuck with me was Genesis 18 and 19. I saw this story with a whole new perspective this time. God highlighted for me the power in Abraham's intercession. If you just read those two chapters did you notice how it was pretty apparent that Lot was spiritually lost at that point? Yet, he and his family were still going to be spared. All because of Abraham's intercession and God's grace. Genesis 19:29.
With that fresh in my mind,I headed to church in the evening. And what is the subject of our study? Prayer! Last night was the first of a six week series. God definitely has my attention. I'll try to find time to share my notes from last night in another post.
I was further blessed on my way home from church. I heard this song for the first time and had to share it with you.